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Masterclass Responsible mining, the role of financial institutions: How to raise the bar?

English below

VBDO en IUCN NL organiseren deze masterclass over verantwoorde mijnbouw. Beleggers hebben de uitdagende taak om adequate criteria te definiëren die de milieurisico’s van mijnbouw verminderen. Tijdens de masterclass zal een discussie worden gehouden met banken, institutionele beleggers, NGO’s, experts en overheidsinstellingen. De focus zal vooral liggen op de nieuwste normen en criteria voor verantwoorde mijnbouwpraktijken, met de nadruk op biodiversiteit en water. Sprekers zijn er onder andere namens: IRMA, ICMM en Responsible Mining Index.

It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the masterclass regarding responsible mining for financial institutions that we organize in cooperation with IUCN NL. Mineral mining portrays a complex picture as it is closely linked to environmental issues, such as erosion, groundwater and soil contamination and loss of biodiversity. For investors, this brings about a challenging task to define adequate criteria that mitigate the environmental risks of mineral mining.

During the masterclass, a thought-provoking discussion will be held with a selected and diverse group of participants, among which banks, institutional investors, NGOs and experts, as well as government institutions. The focus will mainly be on the latest standards and criteria for responsible mining practices of companies, focusing on the impacts on biodiversity and water. Moreover, we will be discussing how these standards could be translated into criteria for lending and investment of financial institutions, including challenges and needed changes. Self-evident, the masterclass will be held under the ‘Chatham House Rule’.

We are looking forward to receiving you on 19th of November.

Yours sincerely,

Angélique Laskewitz, Director VBDO
Mark van der Wal, Senior Expert Extractives IUCN NL

More information
Any queries regarding the masterclass? Contact: | 030 – 234 0031.