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VBDO Highlighted

VBDO works in various ways to make the capital market more sustainable. Some themes are highlighted here.


VBDO has been working for years to raise awareness of the effects of climate change on the financial sector. In this way we bring together financial institutions, NGOs with climate-related expertise and companies. We published the report: ‘Dutch Pension Funds and Climate Change: Now is the Time’. Also a report will soon be published on how investors deal with adaptation to climate change. We expect companies and financial institutions to operate in line with the Paris climate agreement.

Shared Resources, Joint Solutions

VBDO is a partner in the strategic partnership ‘Shared Resources, Joint Solutions (SRJS)’ in collaboration with IUCN-NL and the World Wildlife Fund. SRJS focuses on protecting biodiverse ecosystems that support climate resilience, water and food security. We work with fifty local civil society organizations in sixteen countries. The role of VBDO in the program is to ensure that the private sector, including the financial sector, is informed, involved and enabled to take action.

Examples of our work within SRJS:

  • Sustainable Finance Workshop for civil society organizations
  • Round Table responsible mining for financial institutions in the Netherlands
  • Training engagement with the business community for Filipino civil society organizations
  • Talks with banks about financing deforestation in South America
  • Setting up a sustainable investment forum (SIF) in a developing country

Watch the video:


Tax Transparancy

‘Tax transparency’ is een van de hoofdthema’s binnen VBDO’s activiteiten. Door middel van een verantwoord belastingbeleid, dragen bedrijven en financiële instellingen bij aan het eerlijk verdelen van winsten binnen de maatschappij. Ze betalen daarmee voor de beschikbaarheid van diverse diensten in het publieke domein. Sinds 2014 voert VBDO de Tax Transparency Benchmark uit, die de transparantie van 76 bedrijven in Nederland toetst. In 2017 is de ‘Investor Guide Integration of tax in responsible investment’ gepresenteerd. VBDO verwacht dat bedrijven en financiële instellingen een verantwoord belastingbeleid opstellen in lijn met de meest recente standaarden en normen.