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VBDO AGM engagement report cover 2024

Lack of attention for non-material topics because of implementation CSRD


Publication: AGM Engagement Report 2024 - From Compliance to Leadership

If not labelled as material for new European legislation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies are falling behind with action and reporting on sustainable themes. This became evident from research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), […]

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VBDO officially participates in Platform Living Wage Financials


Everyone deserves a wage level necessary to afford a decent standard of living for themselves and their families. That’s what a living wage means. Living wages are often higher than a government’s minimum wage. However, a minimum wage does not […]

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AGM ava

AGM engagement seminar 2024


During the seminar, we will bring you up to date on the key results of our visit to almost 40 shareholders’ meetings (AGMs) of the Netherlands’ largest companies. We will give you keen insight into recent developments and best practices, […]

VBDO AGM sustainability themes

VBDO’s AGM engagement themes 2024


Since 1995 we have been a loyal visitor to general shareholders’ meetings (AGMs). Every year, we ask critical questions to the directors of around 40 Dutch, listed companies, to promote sustainable business operations. During the engagement process, the most material […]

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AGM Report 2018: Act Together


Publication: AGM Report 2018: Act Together

Management Summary Conclusion In conclusion, all 35 companies in the scope of this report have made important steps towards implementation of the selected themes this year. Concerning Natural Capital and Living Wage, incremental progress can be reported. Most notably, this […]

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AGM report 2016: Next Steps in Embedding Corporate Responsibility


Publication: AGM report 2016: Next Steps in Embedding Corporate Responsibility

Management Summary Conclusion Sustainability is gaining momentum. The policies and transparency of Dutch listed companies regarding sustainability themes such as natural capital, social inclusion, living wage and tax have improved over the past years. Dutch listed companies are increasingly focusing […]

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