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The future belongs to companies with an eye for nature

Auteur: Angélique Laskewitz, directeur VBDO & Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead PWC - 23/07/2024

What are (listed) companies doing to reduce their negative impact on biodiversity and thus increase their future sustainability? What are the good practices to learn from? For Angélique Laskewitz, director at VBDO and Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead at PwC, biodiversity […]

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Mining indonesia

Investors worldwide call for responsible mining practices in Nickel industries


Publication: Investor statement on responsible EV nickel supply chains

31 investors with US$ 2.7 trillion in combined assets under management, have signed a statement demanding companies to enhance their environmental and social due diligence in nickel supply chains of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. They are calling for the […]

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