VBDO presents the seventh Tax Transparency Benchmark on December 2nd, 2021; This year, the overall average company score reached an all-time high of 50%, double the score since VBDO first conducted this research in 2015; Six out of 77 companies […]

VBDO presents the seventh Tax Transparency Benchmark on December 2nd, 2021; This year, the overall average company score reached an all-time high of 50%, double the score since VBDO first conducted this research in 2015; Six out of 77 companies […]
162 million children globally are part of the labour force. For the Dutch financial sector, child labour is an underexposed topic. Two-thirds of the institutional investors surveyed mention child labour in their RI policy, but only 7% of this group […]
Nine Out of ten pension funds make use of exclusion, ESG integration and engagement when investing. Sustainable investment has thus become the undeniable standard within the sector. Nevertheless, there is still much to be achieved in terms of concrete implementation, […]
The Dutch insurance sector is becoming more sustainable every year. However, there is still considerable room for improvement when it comes to sound climate policy and active shareholdership. This is apparent from research into the performance of the responsible investment […]
VBDO and IUCN NL surveyed five banks and 13 asset owners/asset managers headquartered in the Netherlands. Despite the Dutch Central Bank’s warning that financial institutions can be impacted financially when they fail to take sufficient action on biodiversity loss, only […]
Every year, the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) visits the shareholders’ meetings of the largest Dutch, stock-listed companies to obtain commitments on sustainable performance. This is based on extensive research into (non) sustainable performances of these companies. […]
The consequences of climate change create business risks that have an impact on the financial sector. There are therefore many opportunities for the sector, like collaborating with the government to make The Netherlands climate adaptive. However, climate adaptation does not […]
Joint call leading up to the AGM season 2021 Eumedion, the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) and the Vereniging van Effectenbezitters VEB (VEB) (Association of Stockholders) see that physical shareholders’ meetings are undesirable in the coming months so […]
Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds hold leverage over the companies and governments they provide money to for projects and activities affecting people and nature. This makes them an important ally for conservation organisations. But how […]