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The role of financial institutions and governments in Dutch climate adaptation


Publication: Making the Netherlands climate adaptive: The role of financial institutions and governments

The consequences of climate change create business risks that have an impact on the financial sector. There are therefore many opportunities for the sector, like collaborating with the government to make The Netherlands climate adaptive. However, climate adaptation does not […]

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Eumedion, VEB and VBDO: during virtual AGM offer shareholders the possibility to speak live, ask questions and make comments


Publication: AGM statement VBDO, Eumedion and VEB

Joint call leading up to the AGM season 2021 Eumedion, the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) and the Vereniging van Effectenbezitters VEB (VEB) (Association of Stockholders) see that physical shareholders’ meetings are undesirable in the coming months so […]

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Guide for conservation organisations: how to engage the financial sector?


Publication: NGO Guide: 6 steps to engaging financial institutions

Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds hold leverage over the companies and governments they provide money to for projects and activities affecting people and nature. This makes them an important ally for conservation organisations. But how […]

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VBDO calls on companies to be transparent about subsidies and tax exemptions


Publication: Tax Transparency Benchmark 2020 - A comparative study of 77 Dutch listed companies

VBDO presents sixth Tax Transparency Benchmark on December 3rd, 2020 Companies can provide more information about the subsidies and tax exemptions they use to reduce their effective tax burden. This is evident from the sixth edition of the Tax Transparency […]

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Deforestation risks in Latin America: Recommendations for investors


Publication: Whitepaper - Recommendations for investors on deforestation and conversion risks related to cattle ranching and beef supply chains in Latin America

On December 1st, 2020, the Brazilian space agency INPE announced that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had risen to a record level, the highest in 12 years. Beef production in Latin America is linked to deforestation. VBDO, IUCN NL and […]

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Voting for sustainability seen by pension funds as an important tool, despite limited application


Publication: Proxy Voting for Sustainability - Research among Dutch Pension Funds

Pension funds see voting for sustainability as an important instrument for actively leveraging corporate ownership. However, a large part of the funds mainly use their voting rights when they reach a bottleneck in their dialogue on specific topics with these […]

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Dutch pension funds challenged to translate sustainable policy into practice


Publication: Benchmark on Responsible Investments by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2020

Each year, the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) examines the performance of the responsible investment policy of Dutch pension funds (supported by FNV). The benchmark assesses the 50 largest pension funds in the Netherlands, together accounting for 92% […]

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Institutional investors with more than €900 billion assets under management calling for improvement in mining sector


Publication: Investor Statement on responsible water management as part of a responsible mining policy

In an Investor Statement published today by the Dutch branch of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN NL) and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), 16 international institutional investors call for sustainability in the sector. The […]

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Investor Engagement Guide on Biodiversity and Mining


Publication: Investor Engagement Guide on Biodiversity and Mining

This engagement guide is intended to function as a possible tool for asset managers for engagement with mining companies on biodiversity. It aims to aid in the development of sustainable practices and policies adhering to SMART principles (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, […]

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Investor Engagement Guide on Water Management and Mining


Publication: Investor Engagement Guide on Water Management and Mining

This engagement guide is intended to function as a possible tool for asset managers for engagement with mining companies on water management. It aims to aid in the development of sustainable water management practices adhering to SMART principles (Specific, Measurable, […]

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Investor Engagement Guide on Reclamation and Mining


Publication: Investor Engagement Guide on Reclamation and Mining

This engagement guide is intended to function as a possible tool for asset managers for engagement with mining companies on reclamation and closure of mine sites. It aims to aid in the development of sustainable water management practices adhering to […]

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Sustainable investing by private individuals more than doubles


Publication: Studiegids duurzaam beleggen voor particulieren via banken

Dutch private investors invested around 30 billion euros annually through banks. This is more than double compared to four years ago, according to research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) in collaboration with ABN AMRO, BNP Paribas […]

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