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AVA Engagement Seminar


On Wednesday 27 June, the AGM engagement seminar 2018: Act Together was organized at BNP Baribas in Amsterdam by VBDO. VBDO’s latest AGM report – ‘Act Together’ – was presented by Angélique Laskewitz to Robert van Kerkhoff of BNP Paribas […]

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Whitepaper Natural Capital Expeditions


Publication: Whitepaper Natural Capital Expeditions

A White Paper has now been issued based on the results of the Expeditions Finance & Natural Capital. VBDO, CREM and NextGreen have combined their expertise for the realization of the White Paper and the Expeditions. There has also been close […]

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Connecting Finance and Natural Capital: A Supplement


Publication: Connecting Finance and Natural Capital: A Supplement to the Natural Capital Protocol

End of april 2018 the VBDO, together with the Natural Capital Coalition and the Natural Capital Finance Alliance, launched ‘Connecting Finance and Natural Capital: A Supplement to the Natural Capital Protocol’ in Hong Kong. The guidance provides guidelines for the […]

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Jacqueline Duiker en AL Gore

Climate policy Dutch pension funds aimed at further warming


Publication: Dutch Pension Funds and Climate Change: Now is the time

Direct risks for portfolios remain underexposed Research of VBDO together with AXA IM among 38 institutional investors shows: 18% have quantitative target reduction of CO2 emissions 26% exclude polluting companies More focus on combating climate problem than relief consequences Fewer […]

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Dutch companies more transparent about tax policy


Publication: VBDO Tax Transparancy Benchmark 2017

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Dutch Pension funds show insufficient attention for Living Wage


Publication: Living Wage: Overcoming the Challenges | The Role of Pension Funds

Research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) shows that the largest Dutch pension funds still pay insufficient attention to the theme of living wage. 39 of the 50 largest pension funds participated in this study and 85% […]

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Responsible investment by pension funds? Still too noncommittal


Publication: Benchmark Responsible Investment by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2017 | Investing for the future

View the adjusted scores on the Benchmark Pension Funds here. The 11th edition of the VBDO Benchmark Pension Funds shows that the trend towards a growing responsible investment portfolio has continued this year. Pension funds increasingly incorporate environmental and social criteria […]

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VBDO Investor Guide: Integration of tax in responsible investment


Publication: VBDO Investor Guide: Integration of tax in responsible investment

VBDO published an investment guide in the field of responsible tax policy. The guide focuses on institutional investors and provides guidance on how they can responsibly integrate new developments in tax and governance legislation and regulations into both their internal […]

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Sustainability Performance of Dutch Stock Listed Companies


Publication: Walk the Talk: Sustainability Performance of Dutch Stock Listed Companies | AGM Report 2017

This report contains the results of VBDO’s engagement with 38 Dutch stock-listed companies around their Annual General Meeting. This year we focused on three themes; natural capital, paying a living wage, and the embracement of the Sustainable Development Goals by […]

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Benchmark Responsible Investment by Insurance Companies 2017


Publication: Benchmark Responsible Investment by Insurance Companies in the Netherlands 2017 - Investing for a sustainable world?

Here you can find the adjusted ranking of the Benchmark insurance companies 2017. This report, published by the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), provides a detailed overview of the current status quo and trends within the responsible investment […]

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International Responsible Investment Benchmark – Feasibility Study


Publication: International responsible investment benchmark feasibility study

Benchmarking has proven to be an effective instrument in driving sustainability in the financial sector. It creates a race to the top by providing comparative insight into which financial institutions and sustainability topics are lagging behind. The VBDO has assessed the […]

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White Paper: Institutional Investors and Climate Change


Publication: VBDO White Paper: Institutional Investors and Climate Change

Climate change is increasingly becoming visible on the radar of institutional investors, who acknowledge the relevance of the topic by taking it into account in the development and implementation of their investment strategies. VBDO provides a set of recommendations for […]

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