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Biodiversity and the Financial Sector


In the shadows of the corona crisis a climate and a biodiversity crisis are revealing themselves at breakneck speed. Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, many within decades. Earlier we published an article calling […]

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VBDO celebrates 25 years of sustainability


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Today she is celebrating her silver anniversary and has already accomplished more than most in a lifetime. As a strong, independent association, we have been committed to a more sustainable and responsible […]

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SUSTAIN-Africa gains traction on environmental, social and governance criteria for the banking sector in Tanzania

Auteur: Romie Goedicke, Lead on sustainable finance and business engagement UICN NL - 23/06/2020

The Sustainability and Inclusion Strategy for Growth Corridors in Africa (SUSTAIN-Africa) just published its progress report for 2018-2019 summarizing the main achievements of this IUCN-led programme to date. IUCN NL is one of the partners of this initiative. Starting in […]

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Aandeelhoudersvergadering VBDO

VBDO AGM themes for 2020


AGM season 2020 For 25 years, VBDO has been attending some 40 annual general meetings of shareholders (AGMs, or AVA’s in Dutch) of Dutch listed companies. We want the impact of our engagement to be as big as possible. That […]

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Announcement event – Beef production and the supply chain: Risks of deforestation and land conversion


In the second week of May we will talk to investors, retailers and international experts about the risks associated with livestock farming, the effects on deforestation and the conversion of land. We’ll delve deeper into the impact that livestock farming […]

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Round Table on Mining in the Philippines


Mining is a sector that is notorious for its large, negative impact on people and the environment. Although we see a shift from linear to circular use of materials and minerals, many raw materials are still needed for the transition […]

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Benchmark Responsible Investments by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2019


Publication: Benchmark Responsible Investments by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2019

Every year VBDO examines the performance of the responsible investment policy of Dutch pension funds. The benchmark assesses the 50 largest pension funds in the Netherlands, together accounting for 92% of the assets under management with a total value of […]

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Dutch Institutional Investors and Climate Change – Becoming Part of the Solution


Publication: Dutch Institutional Investors and Climate Change - Becoming Part of the Solution

Climate change has been on the agenda of Dutch pension funds since the Paris Climate Agreement. To what extent does the climate approach of Dutch institutional investors actually contribute to solving the climate problem? Hardly, according to new research by […]

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Dutch Pension Funds and Mineral Mining – Taking Responsibility


Publication: Dutch Pension Funds and Mineral Mining - Taking Responsibility

Almost all Dutch pension funds invest in mining, a sector that is notorious for its large, negative impact on people and the environment. To what extent do Dutch pension funds take these risks into account in their responsible investment policy? […]

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Benchmark Responsible Investment by Insurance Companies in the Netherlands 2019


Publication: Benchmark Responsible Investment by Insurance Companies in the Netherlands 2019

“Making Up Your Own Mind” A few years ago, sustainable and responsible investment was a hobby for some employees in the investment field, but nowadays this has changed. Responsible investment is mainstream and receives attention on all levels at every […]

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Whitepaper | Institutional investors & crowdfunding: The right match?


Publication: Whitepaper | Institutional investors & crowdfunding: The right match?

At first sight, the link between crowdfunding and institutional investors is not very logical. Yet there are opportunities here for institutional investors that are currently hardly being used. If we look at neighboring countries such as England and Germany, we […]

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VBDO AGM Engagement Seminar 2019



VBDO has been asking questions for 24 years at the General Meetings of Shareholders (AGMs) of listed companies in the Netherlands. We believe it is important to encourage the sustainability performance of companies through engagement. VBDO does this every year […]

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