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Dependence on nature for the future of business too often underestimated

Auteur: Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead, PwC & Angélique Laskewitz, Executive Director, VBDO - 31/07/2024

What are (listed) companies doing to reduce their negative impact on biodiversity and increase their future-proofness? And what are the good practices to learn from? Investors are already working on it, large organizations need incentives to get started, and the […]

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Scildon Joins VBDO: Together Towards a Sustainable Future


The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) is pleased to announce that insurer Scildon has recently joined as a new member. With this step, Scildon strengthens its commitment to sustainability and socially responsible investing. Wim van Huizen, Sustainability […]

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VBDO AGM engagement report cover 2024

Lack of attention for non-material topics because of implementation CSRD


Publication: AGM Engagement Report 2024 - From Compliance to Leadership

If not labelled as material for new European legislation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies are falling behind with action and reporting on sustainable themes. This became evident from research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), […]

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Angelique Laskewitz good practice biodiversity

Best practices to engage meaningfully with biodiversity

Auteur: Angélique Laskewitz, directeur VBDO & Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead PWC - 06/02/2024

Large companies and investors need to get the huge loss of biodiversity on their radar and implement measures to help nature recover. Such is the aim of PwC and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), which are now […]

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Dutch listed companies fail to address biodiversity


Publication: AGM engagement report 2023 - Moving Forward Together

VBDO (Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development) today unveiled the key findings of its annual general meeting (AGM) engagement report. The report sheds light on crucial insights gained through VBDO’s engagement activities with 33 Dutch-listed companies on biodiversity. It […]

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Biodiversiteit, biodiversity, bij op bloem, bijen

Seminar Biodiversity


This event is organized by VBDO member AXA, supported by VBDO.  Biodiversity is in decline at the fastest rate in our history. Our financial system depends on biodiversity, yet at the same time it contributes to this decline. Investors and […]

EU Tax Transparency Benchmark

EU + NL Tax Transparency Benchmark Seminar 2022


On December 8, VBDO presents the EU and NL edition of the 2022 Tax Transparency Benchmark, including 104 listed companies. The benchmark and awards will be presented at the EU + NL Tax Transparency Seminar at Robeco, Rotterdam. Hybrid Seminar […]

BlueFIN22 VBDO partner

VBDO endorsing partner BlueFIN22


VBDO is appointed as endorsing partner and would like to introduce our stakeholders to BlueFIN2022 Organized by the World Ocean Council (WOC), the Global Blue Finance Summit – BlueFIN is set to launch as the leading conference on ocean investment […]

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VDO agm report 2022

Biodiversity found to be important theme for Dutch listed companies


Publication: AGM engagement report 2022 - Keep Up

For 85% of Dutch companies conservation of biodiversity is seen as important; Financial institutions in particular are putting pressure on companies for improvement; Only 26% of the companies surveyed have concrete objectives for preserving biodiversity. Biodiversity finally on the agenda […]

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Column AMR Sara Heinsbroek

AMR: meer aandacht voor minder antibiotica in veeteelt


Op initiatief van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) is het elk jaar op 7 april Wereldgezondheidsdag. Sinds de uitbraak van de coronapandemie staan zoönosen, ziektes die van dier op mens kunnen overgaan, in de kijker als bedreiging voor de volksgezondheid. De link […]

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