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We all invest in child labour

Hester Holtland, Senior Project Manager Sustainability & Responsible Investment - 19/11/2021

Child labour is an important issue within the Dutch financial sector. And although in some cases it can also be a material risk, child labour is primarily about the ethical aspect. Nobody wants to invest in child labour. And yet […]

Discussion between the VBDO and Athora Netherlands – Insurer joins Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA)

Jan Willem de Vaal, Sustainability manager at Athora Netherlands, Ruud Hadders, Responsible Investment Officer at Actiam - 10/11/2021

During the past year, VBDO together with WWF brought the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) to the attention of the Dutch financial sector. The members of the NZAOA commit themselves to a transition of their investment portfolio to net-zero […]

We would have loved to have been at the COP

Mart van Kuijk, Project Manager Sustainable Investment, VBDO - 09/11/2021

Currently, the COP26 in Glasgow is in full swing. I look back on a year of campaigning with WWF NL to bring the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) to the attention of Dutch asset owners. The goal of our […]

From risk management to real impact

Hester Holtland, Senior Project Manager Sustainability & Responsible Investment - 28/07/2021

In theory, it makes sense if the impact of your portfolio on the real world is in line with your investment policy. This means, for example, that CO2 emissions are not only reduced in our own portfolio, but that these […]

Water in finance: a matter of risk and value

Jacqueline Duiker (sr. manager sustainability & responsible investment, VBDO) & Michael Lewis (Head of research ESG, DWS) - 03/06/2021

Water risk consistently appears close to the top of the WEF’s list of global risks, yet there is still a widespread misperception that water is cheap and plentiful. Nothing could be further from the truth and we call on standard […]

Dutch asset owners must make 1.5°C pledges to catch up with European peers

Mart van Kuijk, Project Manager Sustainable Investment, VBDO & Nicolas Poolen, Green Finance Advisor, WWF-NL - 17/05/2021

While the Netherlands is seen as a leader in responsible investing, only one Dutch asset owner has joined the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance. Only three Dutch asset owners have, at the time of writing, disclosed that they will limit […]

Transparency about the impact of organizations needs mandatory reporting

Angélique Laskewitz (VBDO) - 26/04/2021

The efforts of the European Commission to strengthen the non-financial reporting directive are gaining momentum. The new directive will impose higher requirements on institutions and companies active in the EU with regard to reporting sustainability information (also known as ESG […]

The sustainable impact of investments

Jacqueline Duiker (VBDO), Lucienne de Bakker (VBDO) - 05/03/2021

Pension funds are increasingly taking sustainability into account in their investment portfolios, but does this have an impact in the “real” world? The Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) annually examines the performance of the responsible investment policy of […]

Delivering Climate Resilience Through Financial Disclosures

Jacqueline Duiker (VBDO), Paul Smith (UNEP FI) - 25/02/2021

Current disclosure frameworks provide a solid basis for financial institutions to assess climate risks. However, the climate resilience goals recently outlined at the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 require these frameworks to also integrate real world resilience. Even in the best-case […]

Three degrees of warming is not an option for long-term investors

Nicolas Poolen (WWF-NL) & Mart van Kuijk (VBDO) - 18/12/2020

Since the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, the United Nations has published an annual report on the state of climate change. Not unexpectedly, the report again paints a shocking picture; “The earth is becoming three degrees warmer, despite current climate […]

Corona crisis has a major impact on shareholders’ meetings

Mart van Kuijk, Project Manager Sustainable Investment, VBDO - 25/08/2020

This year, the start of the shareholders’ meeting (AGM) season coincided with the start of the corona crisis. This certainly had a major impact on the AGMs. Not only in the way in which companies gave substance to the crisis […]