ASN Bank is the first bank globally to set itself the goal to realise an overall net positive effect on biodiversity in 2030 with the total of its investments. We talk about ASN’s strategy to reach this goal, how pension […]
A company that stays silent now agrees to fossil subsidy
Can striving for an inclusive and sustainable Netherlands go hand in hand with providing fossil subsidies? VNO-NCW thinks so. Last week, VNO-NCW signed a letter published in de Volkskrant calling for the provision of fossil fuel subsidies. Adjusting the rules […]
Heineken, donate your Russian tax to Ukraine
Finally, Heineken has acknowledged its debts. Even though the beer multinational primarily passed on its responsibility to its subsidiary in Russia, it has now offered an official apology. Heineken had, although admitted afterwards, granted permission to launch 61 new products […]
Structural lobby washing requires a responsible strategy
Lobby washing Although the term greenwashing has been known for a long time, a new phenomenon emerged from recent research by VBDO, namely ”lobby washing”. Supermarkets and FMCGs such as Ahold Delhaize and Henkel are happy to show the general […]
Sustainable investing with impact: “Money is not the goal, but an instrument”
The percentage of investments that are qualified as sustainable, continues to rise sharply every year. The largest part of this consists of so-called ESG investing. The abbreviation stands for Environmental (environment/climate), Social (society) and Governance (governance). The better a company […]
A fair energy transition starts with fair investing
One of the biggest challenges for achieving the Paris agreement is realizing a fair energy transition for developing countries. Think of countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and India, which depend on coal for their electricity supply. If this current dependence […]
Living off the wind? Invest in sustainable energy
With the current developments in the energy market, sustainable investment in wind and solar energy does not seem like a bad idea. But there is a lot of choice and this can be opaque, especially for novice investors. ‘Sustainable investing […]
Sustainability must be brought to our real-world economy
Much more capital is still going to fossil fuels than to sustainable energy. What do you think of that? “We are stuck together in the real economy and in fossil energy. Investors continue to invest money in those kinds of […]
Sustainable investing requires self-reflection
In the past, we have seen how the public debate on sustainability and the financial sector has hardened. Supervisors are carrying out raids and former top executives of large institutions are sounding the alarm. Opponents of responsible investing eagerly respond […]
Does the SFDR help with the choice for sustainable investment?
New legislation has been in force within the European Union since March 2021. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) aims to get more money for positive impact. By demanding greater transparency from providers of financial products, it is expected that […]
AMR: meer aandacht voor minder antibiotica in veeteelt
Op initiatief van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) is het elk jaar op 7 april Wereldgezondheidsdag. Sinds de uitbraak van de coronapandemie staan zoönosen, ziektes die van dier op mens kunnen overgaan, in de kijker als bedreiging voor de volksgezondheid. De link […]
Let PostNL pay a fair price for delivery
We have seen serious situations in parcel delivery for a number of years, with the new low on Monday morning being raids by the labor inspectorate at PostNL in Belgium. This once again revealed serious abuses, including parcel deliverers who […]