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ABP’s approach to responsible tax

Astrid Durgaram, Expert Advisor Legal and Tax at Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP - 11/02/2025

This article is part of our recent publication, Tax: An Investor Guide. Astrid Durgaram is Expert Advisor Legal and Tax at Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP, where she advises on legal and tax matters regarding asset management, third-party agreements, and financial regulations. […]

CNV Internationaal’s vision on responsible value chains

Alien Huizing, Responsible Business Conduct Advisor & Suzan Cornelissen, Programme Manager Indonesia at CNV Internationaal - 10/02/2025

This article can also be found in our recent publication Towards a responsible value chain – The role of investors and the CSDDD. Insight into the value chains Company products should respect people and nature. To support this, CNV Internationaal […]

Faitrade’s vision on responsible value chains

Karen Bouwsma, Senior Policy Advisor at Fairtrade - 03/02/2025

This article is part of our recent publication, Towards a responsible value chain – The role of investors and the CSDDD. Fairtrade is an international social movement and a certification scheme aimed at changing the way trade works through better […]

The Netherlands would be better off not bearing the clothing and social costs of Shein

Kees Gootjes, directeur De Nieuwe Beurskoers en Freek van Til, projectmanager responsible investment & sustainability - 12/12/2024

De Nieuwe Beurskoers (DNBK) and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) are calling on the Dutch financial sector to ignore the listing of SHEIN. Shein is currently on a roadshow through Europe. The Chinese online budget giant for […]

Plastic Nightmare

Maarten Busch, Project Manager Sustainability & Responsible Investment, VBDO - 15/11/2024

I walk past the same shop again, where every day, the candy packages are neatly sorted by colour. The display case shows me an explosion of colours and single-use packaging. As a child, I was, just like its current visitors, […]

Biodiversity Credits: Last Step to Nature Restoration or False Solution?

Freek van Til, Project Manager Responsible Investment & Sustainability - 30/10/2024

Biodiversity conservation is essential, but the question of how companies should manage their impact on nature remains a contention. One of the options discussed is the purchase and sale of certificates, so-called biodiversity credits, similar to the voluntary carbon credits […]

Dependence on nature for the future of business too often underestimated

Alexander Spek, Sustainability Lead, PwC & Angélique Laskewitz, Executive Director, VBDO - 31/07/2024

What are (listed) companies doing to reduce their negative impact on biodiversity and increase their future-proofness? And what are the good practices to learn from? Investors are already working on it, large organizations need incentives to get started, and the […]

Allow my generation a pension to live for

Maarten Busch, Project Manager Sustainability & Responsible Investment, VBDO - 21/06/2024

I belong to Generation Z and won’t retire for another 40 years. Still, I am seriously concerned. On Tuesday, June 4, a motion by the VVD, BBB and SGP against “activist or idealistic” investing was adopted. The motion requests the […]

Unilever’s gone wrong packaging

Freek van Til, Projectleader Plastic Engagement, VBDO - 15/05/2024

Unilever has long stood as a giant in the consumer goods industry. However, I strongly question whether this giant is taking the right steps. To my astonishment, last week in the FD, I read about their weakened goals regarding plastic […]