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The purpose of finance and investment

The purpose of finance and investment – Episode 3: An evolving approach to value


The world’s severe challenges to sustainable development call for financial decision-making from investors in capital markets, CFOs within companies, and governmental policymakers, to meet them. Especially now, at a point in time when private markets are also beginning to suffer […]

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The purpose of finance and investment

The purpose of finance and investment – Episode 3: An evolving approach to value


The world’s severe challenges to sustainable development call for financial decision-making from investors in capital markets, CFOs within companies, and governmental policymakers, to meet them. Especially now, at a point in time when private markets are also beginning to suffer […]

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The purpose of finance and investment

The purpose of finance and investment – Aflevering 2: An evolving approach to risk


In this 5-part podcast series the Purpose of finance and investment, 10 experts will help us explore and reconsider some of the most fundamental guiding principles of our current financial and sustainable decision-making frameworks. Listen to episode 2, in which […]

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Aandeelhoudersvergadering VBDO

Presentation of AGM engagement results and report 2022


We have been a loyal visitor to general shareholders’ meetings (AGMs) for more than a quarter of a century. Every year, we ask critical questions to the directors of around 40 Dutch, listed companies, in order to promote sustainable business […]

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Ocean sustainability – Expert session


Webinar recording This year’s World Ocean Day, on 8 June, is asking for awareness and support to protect at least 30% of the world’s lands, waters, and oceans by 2030. Safeguarding at least 30% through a network of highly protected […]

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VBDO uses new platform for research


Every year, VBDO publishes among other research its pension fund benchmark, a comparative study of the 50 largest Dutch pension funds. They answer 50 questions, for which they have to substantiate the answers with documentation. This yields an average of […]

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Column AMR Sara Heinsbroek

AMR: meer aandacht voor minder antibiotica in veeteelt


Op initiatief van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) is het elk jaar op 7 april Wereldgezondheidsdag. Sinds de uitbraak van de coronapandemie staan zoönosen, ziektes die van dier op mens kunnen overgaan, in de kijker als bedreiging voor de volksgezondheid. De link […]

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Webinar anti-macrobial resistence

Antimicrobial resistance in the food and agriculture sector


In this webinar hosted by VBDO and World Animal Protection, experts on responsible investment, public health and animal welfare will discuss AMR and the food and agriculture sector, its effect on public health and biodiversity, what risks AMR poses to […]

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The purpose of finance and investment

The purpose of finance and investment – Episode 1: The origins of finance and investment


The world’s severe challenges to sustainable development call for financial decision-making from investors in capital markets, CFOs within companies, and governmental policymakers, to meet them. Especially now, at a point in time when private markets are also beginning to suffer […]

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VBDO’s Impact


In this video founder Piet Sprengers tells about the origin of the association. Current director Angélique Laskewitz and loyal members further elaborate on our impact over the past 25 years and VBDO’s current importance.

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WWF Webinar – Bridging the gaps in ESG water data to create opportunities for investors


Investors currently lack contextual focus and common definitions when it comes to mainstream ESG water data. Moreover, limited information on value chains means that data is often lacking or misinterpreted, resulting in a narrow understanding of water (both in terms […]

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VBDO supports CSR platform call to Minister Schreinemacher


The European Commission recently published a proposal for rules for sustainable and responsible business in global supply chains. The proposal includes a due diligence obligation for companies and a promise that governments will monitor compliance with the rules. However, according […]

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