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Dutch companies more transparent in tax area


Publication: VBDO Tax Transparency Benchmark 2018

VBDO presents fourth Tax Transparency Benchmark  Dutch companies become more transparent about their tax policy. This is shown by research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) at 76 Dutch companies. The winner of the fourth Tax Transparency […]

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New ranking: 4 in 10 companies ‘failing’ on human rights


Publication: CHRB Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2018 Key Findings

  Wake-up call 70 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Majority of clothing and agricultural companies failing to do enough to prevent child labour Prada, Starbucks and Kraft Heinz among companies scoring poorly Leading companies include […]

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Tax Transparency Seminar 2018


The seminar will focus on sharing the results of the Tax Transparency Benchmark 2018, the latest standards will be presented and the current level of tax transparency of companies in the Netherlands will be interpreted. Through this seminar, we want […]

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ABP winner VBDO Benchmark Responsible Investment Pension Funds


Publication: VBDO Benchmark Responsible Investment by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2018

Leading Dutch pension funds continue to improve responsible investment policy ABP, the pension fund for the government and education sector, has the best developed responsible investment policy of the Dutch largest pension funds. The ten best-performing pension funds in the […]

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Waiting with climate policy has a high price


Waiting with climate policy has a price. Anyone who hesitates now runs the risk of causing problems for banks, insurers and pension funds later on. This is what De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) says in its semi-annual risk analysis this week. […]

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Masterclass Responsible mining, the role of financial institutions: How to raise the bar?


It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the masterclass regarding responsible mining for financial institutions that we organize in cooperation with IUCN NL. Mineral mining portrays a complex picture as it is closely linked to environmental issues, […]

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VBDO Platform Consultation 29 November


Welcome to the VBDO Platform Consultation for institutional members on 29 November. This time the platform is dominated by the Sustainable Development Goals. On the agenda: Workshop: Taking leadership on the SDGs By: Francesca Sharp (ICAEW) The ICAEW, Institute of Chartered […]

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Launch Platform Living Wage Financials (PLWF)


Today, a group of Dutch financial institutions launched the ‘Platform Living Wage Financials’ (PLWF). This platform was created to improve the poor working conditions in the textile industry, where wages are often too low to live on. Founders ASN Bank, […]

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Investing with an eye for the environment


More and more market parties offer sustainable investment products. A good thing, according to Xander Urbach of the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO). He observes that the sustainable goals and a good return go well together. The […]

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VBDO Benchmark Pension Funds


VBDO Benchmark Pension Funds: How sustainable do we want to be (and can we be)? VBDO director Angélique Laskewitz presents the newest VBDO Benchmark Pension Funds on Pensioen Pro BeleggersBeraad 2018. She will discuss with Pensioen Pro about the state […]

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Institutional investors stop with tobacco


According to Hester Holtland of the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development, reputation damage plays an increasingly important role in the exclusion of tobacco. ‘We are seeing more and more institutional investors who stop investing in tobacco.’ Read the […]

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Dutch business sector embraces Sustainable Development Goals


Publication: Act Together - Sustainability Performance of Dutch Stock Listed Companies - AGM Report 2018

The largest listed companies in the Netherlands embrace the Sustainable Development Goals. Research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VDBO) at 35 Dutch listed companies shows that important progress was made on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in […]

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