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How to stop a mining company


The province of Palawan, carries the same name as its largest islands, out of more than 1.700 islands that make up the region. The province is called the “last frontier”, because of its location on the southwestern edge of the […]

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Guide for conservation organisations: how to engage the financial sector?


Publication: NGO Guide: 6 steps to engaging financial institutions

Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds hold leverage over the companies and governments they provide money to for projects and activities affecting people and nature. This makes them an important ally for conservation organisations. But how […]

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Expertsession 1: Stop Child Labour


NB. This event is intended for professionals working within the banking, insurance pension fund sector. Would you like to contribute ideas about the role of the financial sector in combating child labor? VBDO, in cooperation with the Alliance Work: No […]

VBDO pauw 01

VBDO platform meeting


NB. This is a member only event, the event is in Dutch We cordially invite our members to the VBDO platform meeting on Thursday 10 December. Program Welcome & state of affairs | Angélique Laskewitz, VBDO 5 years of SRJS […]

VBDO Highlights 2020 & Best Wishes for 2021


No one will ever forget this year. We are very grateful for the many opportunities we have had in a time that as been so difficult for so many people. Our team has proven that we also stay close to […]

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Three degrees of warming is not an option for long-term investors

Auteur: Nicolas Poolen (WWF-NL) & Mart van Kuijk (VBDO) - 18/12/2020

Since the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, the United Nations has published an annual report on the state of climate change. Not unexpectedly, the report again paints a shocking picture; “The earth is becoming three degrees warmer, despite current climate […]

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VBDO calls on companies to be transparent about subsidies and tax exemptions


Publication: Tax Transparency Benchmark 2020 - A comparative study of 77 Dutch listed companies

VBDO presents sixth Tax Transparency Benchmark on December 3rd, 2020 Companies can provide more information about the subsidies and tax exemptions they use to reduce their effective tax burden. This is evident from the sixth edition of the Tax Transparency […]

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VBDO launches awareness campaign sustainable insurance for consumers


Today the national campaign “Insure your world” started by the Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), supported by the Dutch Association of Insurers. Increasingly the Dutch take sustainability into account regarding their purchasing behavior, but still, few see the link between […]

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Deforestation risks in Latin America: Recommendations for investors


Publication: Whitepaper - Recommendations for investors on deforestation and conversion risks related to cattle ranching and beef supply chains in Latin America

On December 1st, 2020, the Brazilian space agency INPE announced that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had risen to a record level, the highest in 12 years. Beef production in Latin America is linked to deforestation. VBDO, IUCN NL and […]

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Proxy Voting & Sustainability


How is sustainability reflected in the voting policy of pension funds, how do they vote and who makes choices? How is sustainability reflected in the voting policy of pension funds, who ultimately makes choices and how is voting advice on […]

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