Research by the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) shows that the largest Dutch pension funds still pay insufficient attention to the theme of living wage. 39 of the 50 largest pension funds participated in this study and 85% […]
Read more DownloadDutch Pension funds show insufficient attention for Living Wage
Publication: Living Wage: Overcoming the Challenges | The Role of Pension Funds
VBDO Investor Guide: Integration of tax in responsible investment
Publication: VBDO Investor Guide: Integration of tax in responsible investment
International Responsible Investment Benchmark – Feasibility Study
Publication: International responsible investment benchmark feasibility study
Benchmarking has proven to be an effective instrument in driving sustainability in the financial sector. It creates a race to the top by providing comparative insight into which financial institutions and sustainability topics are lagging behind. The VBDO has assessed the […]
Read moreWhite Paper: Institutional Investors and Climate Change
Publication: VBDO White Paper: Institutional Investors and Climate Change
Institutional investors and tobacco
Publication: Tobacco and Dutch Institutional Investors - Tobacco, business as usual?
VBDO White paper: bevorderen van aandeelhoudersbetrokkenheid
Publication: VBDO White paper: Advancing shareholder engagement
Shareholder engagement concerns the use of one’s ownership position to influence the decision making of company management. In doing so, shareholders aim to increase transparency and accountability and to raise social and environmental standards of corporate behavior. The practice has […]
Read more DownloadBenchmark Verantwoord Beleggen door Pensioenfondsen 2016
Publication: VBDO Benchmark Responsible Investment by Pension Funds in the Netherlands 2016 | Ready for the next step?
Tax Transparency Benchmark 2016
Publication: VBDO Tax Transparency Benchmark 2016
Impact investing struggles with a cuddly image