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HUMAN 2024

  • Date: 07/10/2024
  • Time: 3 - 5 pm (CET)
  • Location: a.s.r., Utrecht

NB. This event is in Dutch.

HUMAN is a partnership between EY, CNV International, and ABN AMRO that promotes human rights.

The theme of HUMAN 2024 is the regulation and implementation of the Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

The OECD Due Diligence guideline contains a step-by-step plan. Of the six steps, the three most practical ones are discussed during the seminar: steps 2, 3 and 6. An overview of the most essential information from the guideline is provided by EY.

Programme (provisional, Dutch spoken)

    • 15:00 – Opening – Daniëlle Hirsch, Lid van de Tweede Kamer (GroenLinks-PvdA)
    • 15:10 – Overzicht CSDDD richtlijn – Bas Sprenger de Rover, Sr. Consultant (EY)
    • 15:25 – Stap 2 – Interview & discussie: Identificatie & beoordeling negatieve activiteiten – hoe verzamel je data over negatieve activiteiten? – Alien Huizing, Internationaal MVO-adviseur (CNV Internationaal)
    • 15:50 – Pauze
    • 16:05 – Stap 3 – Interview & discussie: Stop, voorkom of beperk negatieve gevolgen – hoe voer je engagement met leveranciers? – Simon Braaksma, Senior Director (Philips) & Arthur van Mansvelt, Sr. Engagement specialist Platform Living Wage Financials (PLWF)
    • 16:30 – Stap 6 – Interview & discussie: Zorg voor herstelmaatregelen – hoe zet je een grievance mechanism op? – ABN AMRO (Onder voorbehoud)
    • 16:55 – 17:00 – Afsluiting – VBDO
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