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AGM engagement seminar 2024

  • Date: 27/06/2024
  • Time: 3 - 5 pm (CET)
  • Location: BNP Paribas, Amsterdam

During the seminar, we will bring you up to date on the key results of our visit to almost 40 shareholders’ meetings (AGMs) of the Netherlands’ largest companies. We will give you keen insight into recent developments and best practices, related to this year’s three ESG themes; biodiversity, advocacy & lobbying and living wage. Afterwards, there will be ample opportunity for personal introductions.

NB. This event is in Dutch. Registration closed on June 26th.

Program (Dutch)

  • Welkom & introductie | Hugo Peek (CEO, BNP Paribas NL) & Angélique Laskewitz (Director, VBDO)
  • Resultaten & aanbevelingen agm engagement report 2024 | Florine Kits van Heijningen (Project manager AGM engagment report, VBDO)
  • Best practice biodiversiteit | Robert Koolen (Director sustainable development, Heijmans)
  • Biodiversiteitsmonitor | Maxime Eiselin (Sr. Expert Nature-based solutions, IUCN NL)
  • Platform Living Wage Financials | Arthur van Mansvelt (Sr. Engagement specialist)
  • Veranderende rol accountant onder CSRD | Kris Douma (Chairman NBA)
  • Afsluiting & duurzame borrel